Non-refundable funds project management

Our team of specialists will help you fulfil, under the best conditions, the projects with non-refundable funds in which you are engaged. We provide support from the writing phase of the project to reporting, control and audit.

Financial monitoring

Strengthen the internal control system of your company and be in absolute control with the financial monitoring that we provide in a complete confidential and transparent context.

Financial management

Whether you have just started a business or you already are an experienced entrepreneur, advice from a financial manager can be the turnning point your business needs

We aim to help your business grow by providing support with the best decisions and by helping you have all the data to implement your business strategy.

Assistance in financial management can help you to:

  • Efficiently use the funds you owe in order to reach your goals;
  • Temporary access a service, during a project which exceeds your personnel capacity;
  • Rearrange and enhance the financial department and it’s fluxes;
  • To choose the moment of implementation and the technical solution for the general management software of the company;
  • To make important strategic decisions in your business whether it is a matter of concluding a single transaction or an internal reorganization;