Entrepreneur, looking for strategy!

You started this adventure a long time ago or you’re ready to take the first steps now. We are sure you heard about mission and vision, two key concepts in defining a business strategy.

Far from being only theoretical notions, both help the entrepreneur determine the direction and drive of their business based on constant benchmarks.

Once established, these concepts function as a compass in your business. From general management to recruitment, all your decisions can be checked through the lens of your mission and the vision you aspire to have.

Use these 2 concepts as a system of self-control. Is the decision from today in line with your vision of tomorrow?

We do not say that there are no compromises in business, we just want to remind you that improvising is not a strategy in itself, and that:

When you know your way, you can’t get lost!

Defining your mission and vision is an important step in writing your business strategy. It’s important to be on the right team when you do this analysis, and if we were to give you a brief recipe for this stage, here’s what it would look like:



This step will define your product.

By defining the mission you will know “what you have to sell” and in what context you propose to sell.

Without a well-thought-out mission, your sales strategy cannot reach its potential.

At the end of the analysis, you will realize what you really want from your business.

The dream already exists, the vision only helps you to make it clearer.

Now all you have to do is adapt and be tenacious on your way.

Your mission is at the intersection of the following answers:
  • What do I have to sell?
  • What do I actually want to sell?
  • What do I like to sell?
  • What is profitable to sell?
  • What does my client benefit from buying my product?
  • What do others want to buy from me?
  • What should others buy from me?
  • What is the value of my sale beyond money?
  • What does my special, different service have?
The vision is the result of the mission accomplished.
The mission is the means to fulfill the vision.
Imagine you’ve already sold and answer the questions:
  • How will my customers’ business look after my services are purchased?
  • How will the final consumer’s life/quality of life, etc. be after my products are purchased?
  • What impact does my business have upon the community ?
  • What do I want to create with my business?

Did you notice? I mentioned the profit once, what do you think about this?

Business is more than profit, they are complex constructions, the result of innovations. Businesses are dreams that become profitable by proper piloting.

If your pattern of thought can be reduced to “I have 5.000, how can I make 8.000 from them?” means you are not an entrepreneur, you are not interested in building a business, you are an investor.

To be an investor is a very interesting career path, we just want you to understand that entrepreneurship and investment are two different things, so it’s good to find out what suits you and act accordingly.

The biggest lie about the strategy is that your company cannot have one.

If you need an excuse, we can help you: your business is too small, your domain is not modern, your products are too common, your resources are too small, you work with people that are too simple, your business is still in the beginning stages. We’ll let you continue the list.

There are countless excuses that stand behind a business without strategy, the important thing is to know that it can be set at any level and that a business is more easily run once the direction is aligned through mission and vision.



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